With Max Collini
Texts edited by Arturo Bertoldi and Max Collini

The topic of “fascism/anti-fascism” is back powerfully in the news: it pervades public debate, fills bookstores with successful tomes, but above all, one side of the coin has ambiguously and sometimes surreally occupied institutions and power. While someone has been trying for a couple of decades to explain to us that there can be no anti-fascism in the absence of fascism others have become better organized and from that historical, political, and cultural background have drawn a new hegemony, clearing the impossible. No democratic achievement, no Constitution that is the offspring of the Resistance can be said to have been acquired forever, and the present only reiterates this every day, so we had better start with ourselves to reconstruct our relationship with the History of the last century.
Max Collini, voice of Offlaga Disco Pax first and then of Spartiti, will tell episodes, anecdotes, and events from the past and contemporary times. Minimal, personal, human stories. Without rhetoric, without heroes, without officialdom, without flags, and precisely because of this ours deep down, there where we come to terms with who we are, what we want, how much we still have left to say.

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