
idea, art direction and arrangements: Rubynia Reubens
texts: Rubynia Reubens and Deficiency 503

There is no movement without rhythm, no insurrection without harmony, no revolution without anthem.
Rubynia Reubens, pianist and singer, and Carenza 503, transfeminist rapper, take turns and accompany each other on stage with original lyrics about Queerness, in all its radicality. Queerness is, in this era, one of humanity’s engines of change and is challenging many of the pillars that “Society” has carried for centuries. It has the potential for us to enjoy the fruits of a revisiting, an organic restructuring of humankind, based on solidarity, love, respect, (self)discovery-attitudes that we have forgotten in recent years. Maybe this is all a great mental film, but then why is there already a soundtrack?
Come and explore musically your, our future.

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