Based on William Shakespeare
Dramaturgy and Direction Luca Zilovich
Sound and olfactory landscapes Enzo Ventriglia
With Giacomo Bisceglie, Enrica Fieno, Lorenzo Fracchia, Michela Gatto, Giulia Maino, Fabio Martinello and Mattia Stango
A Comedy Community/Theatre of Jute production

The Theaters of the Mind is a format of sensory performances in which spectators watch blindfolded and seated in the center of the stage space while attics and actors perform among them. The audience is led into the room already blindfolded, immediately receiving their first sensory stimuli. Once seated, he will then be transported into the stage action by the actors’ voices, smells and soundscapes that complement the dramaturgy of the scenes.

Following Romeo & Juliet, the second installment of The Theaters of the Mind guides the viewer through the tragic rise to power of Macbeth, the protagonist of one of Shakespeare’s bloodiest tragedies. The audience is immersed in the atmosphere of a dark Scotland, ruled by despots and inhabited by witches, in which actors and spectators will bring the play to life together, the former acting and the latter imagining it in their minds.
Thanks to sensory stimuli, the audience is enveloped in the mist of the Scottish moors, jerks in their chairs when they perceive the clash of swords next to them, is led into the darker side of the Scottish tyrant’s mind by the acrid smell of battle and the insistent voices of witches, and breathes in Lady Macbeth’s insane thirst for power up close. Macbeth is the second show that director Luca Zilovich is staging for the Jute Theater using the Theaters of the Mind technique. It is a different way of thinking about theater, in which the blindfolded spectator sets his or her creativity in motion and becomes an artist of the performance on par with actresses and actors. The Theaters of the Mind was born out of the path of accessibility to theater undertaken by the Jute Theater Company, and a response to the need to put sighted and blind spectators on the same plane of enjoyment.

Free admission. Reservation on DICE

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