Only those who play are alive

Biblioteca Baggio via Pistoia 10 Baggio, Milano

Ludobus: street games, games of yesteryear and tomorrow, games from the traditions and cultures of the world, play corners for the youngest and strategy games for the busiest, games for girls and boys aged 0-99; djing, music and sports by the girls and boys of the Baggio after-school programs. Free admission without reservation

The bubble factory

Parco ex-Armenia Films via Filippo Baldinucci 35, Milano

The Bollerinas performance by Linda Russo Idà On stage Linda Russo Idà in art Archiclown, Angela Storti in art Bricciola, Ilenia Cella and Maria Elena Comperti "In a country whose name I cannot tell you, a good man, strong as thunder but without an education, decided to open a soap bubble factory. The idea was […]


Bottega d'Arte di Samira Zuabi Via Giambellino 41A, Milano, Italia

edited by Samira Zuabi A book that is an emotional as well as geographical journey, exalting the little things that make us happy every day. Free admission, reservations at

The Poetry Menu – Edolo Cafe

Edolo Cafè via Gaetano Braga 2, Milano

by Cultural Association THE POETRY MENU The Poetry Menu returns to FringeMi in bars and bistros for poetry forays and tastings. Real Menus composed of poems as if they were food, food for the soul "served," meaning acted out on demand, by professional actresses and actors as exceptional maîtres. The artists surprise the audience by […]


Don't Tell Mama via Pietro Crespi 10, Milano, Italia

idea, art direction and arrangements: Rubynia Reubens texts: Rubynia Reubens and Deficiency 503 There is no movement without rhythm, no insurrection without harmony, no revolution without anthem. Rubynia Reubens, pianist and singer, and Carenza 503, transfeminist rapper, take turns and accompany each other on stage with original lyrics about Queerness, in all its radicality. Queerness […]


Ligera via Padova 133, Milano

text and direction Francesco Michele Laterza with Francesco Michele Laterza and Floor Robert props Regina Del Toro co-production Teatro delle Moire/Danae Festival with the support of IntercettAzioni - Centro di Residenza Artistica della Lombardia (a project of Circuito CLAPS and Teatro delle Moire, Industria Scenica, Milano Musica, ZONA K) and Ass. Point to Point Calolziocorte, […]

Capitalist ecology

FONDAZIONE AEM Piazza Po, 3, Milano

by and with Pietro Cerchiello music by Tommaso Imperiali directed by Ariele Celeste Soresina Creative Residences production With the support of Fondazione Cariplo, Smart Italia, Fondazione Claudia Lombardi Lugano January 2020. Peter moves between disappointments and theatrical failures. He participated in about 200 national calls for proposals, without winning a single one, setting a record […]

DIFFUSED FESTIVALS – A new organizational format for a different cultural policy

NOI LIBRERIA Via Delle Leghe, 18

Presentation of the book DIFFUSED FESTIVALS - A new organizational format for a different cultural policy Davide Verazzani talks with authors Andrea Minetto and Silvia Tarassi and other guests What are Diffused Festivals? Why are they called that? What do Pianocity, Artweek and FringeMI have in common? The format of so-called "diffused festivals," with its […]

Vagabond Concert

Fruit & Salad Piazzale Susa 11, Milano

By and with Riccardo Dell'Orfano Songs from the Milanese osterie, the Gufi, Nanni Svampa, Roman stornelli, Gabriella Ferri, the Vianellas, Neapolitan bel canto, and then de Andrè, Gaber, Dalla, and South American cumbie. Free admission, reservations at the venue - tel. 388 998 8810

The Betrothed

SPAZIO POLLINE Stazione Villapizzone, Milano

dramaturgy by Carlo Decio and Matteo Riva with Carlo Decio directed by Matteo Riva production Teatro de gli incamminati and Teatro Pedonale Murders, plagues, kidnappings and unmentionable secrets accompany the tumultuous affairs of two lovers: there are all the ingredients for a success story. Carlo Decio brings Alessandro Manzoni's "Promessi Sposi" to the theater and […]

TWO – Whale song for lonely penguins

CASCINA CUCCAGNA via Privata Cuccagna 2/4, Milano, Italia

with Mattia Lauro and Claudia Nicolazzo dramaturgy Mattia Lauro lighting design Luca Giacomini directed by Greta Bendinelli and Mattia Lauro STAP Brancaccio is thanked for its support. Scenario Award 2023 finalist show Delilah and Umberto loved each other for a number of years, sharing the joys and sorrows of daily life. And, after their relationship […]

Generation Pasolini

Alibi via Aristotele 14, Milano, Italia

dramaturgy and direction by Marta Bulgherini with Marta Bulgherini and Nicolas Zappa In an impassioned and irreverent stream of consciousness, Marta Bulgherini, on stage with Nicola Zappa, recounts that Pasolini "you don't expect." A lighthearted, irreverent, de-sanctifying, deeply accusatory, terribly honest show. The show about Pasolini you don't expect. The play about Pasolini that is […]