The poetry menu – poetic forays and tastings

L'ultimo Metrò via Marco Aurelio 2, Milano

by Cultural Association THE POETRY MENU The Poetry Menu returns to FringeMI in bars and bistros for poetry forays and tastings. Real Menus composed of poems as if they were food, food for the soul "served," meaning acted out on demand, by professional actresses and actors as exceptional maîtres. The artists surprise the audience by […]


Dopotutto Via Lodovico Muratori 3, Milano, Italia

With the Tutti Sotto Controllo MILAN UNDER CONTROL! is Stand Up Comedy and Improv Games with the audience along with the All Under Control, Davide Spadolà, Nicola Campostori, Patrizia Emma Scialpi and Nando Prati + a guest comedian each night! Free admission without reservation


Ligera via Padova 133, Milano

text and direction Francesco Michele Laterza with Francesco Michele Laterza and Floor Robert props Regina Del Toro co-production Teatro delle Moire/Danae Festival with the support of IntercettAzioni - Centro di Residenza Artistica della Lombardia (a project of Circuito CLAPS and Teatro delle Moire, Industria Scenica, Milano Musica, ZONA K) and Ass. Point to Point Calolziocorte, […]

Capitalist ecology

FONDAZIONE AEM Piazza Po, 3, Milano

by and with Pietro Cerchiello music by Tommaso Imperiali directed by Ariele Celeste Soresina Creative Residences production With the support of Fondazione Cariplo, Smart Italia, Fondazione Claudia Lombardi Lugano January 2020. Peter moves between disappointments and theatrical failures. He participated in about 200 national calls for proposals, without winning a single one, setting a record […]

The Betrothed

SPAZIO POLLINE Stazione Villapizzone, Milano

dramaturgy by Carlo Decio and Matteo Riva with Carlo Decio directed by Matteo Riva production Teatro de gli incamminati and Teatro Pedonale Murders, plagues, kidnappings and unmentionable secrets accompany the tumultuous affairs of two lovers: there are all the ingredients for a success story. Carlo Decio brings Alessandro Manzoni's "Promessi Sposi" to the theater and […]

TWO – Whale song for lonely penguins

CASCINA CUCCAGNA via Privata Cuccagna 2/4, Milano, Italia

with Mattia Lauro and Claudia Nicolazzo dramaturgy Mattia Lauro lighting design Luca Giacomini directed by Greta Bendinelli and Mattia Lauro STAP Brancaccio is thanked for its support. Scenario Award 2023 finalist show Delilah and Umberto loved each other for a number of years, sharing the joys and sorrows of daily life. And, after their relationship […]

Generation Pasolini

Alibi via Aristotele 14, Milano, Italia

dramaturgy and direction by Marta Bulgherini with Marta Bulgherini and Nicolas Zappa In an impassioned and irreverent stream of consciousness, Marta Bulgherini, on stage with Nicola Zappa, recounts that Pasolini "you don't expect." A lighthearted, irreverent, de-sanctifying, deeply accusatory, terribly honest show. The show about Pasolini you don't expect. The play about Pasolini that is […]

Clothed in white

text by Giulia Sara Borghi and Stefania Buraschi With Pietro Grava, Nicholas de Alcubierre, Laura Angelone, Flavia Marchionni, Alessandro Pozza, Nicola Sirtori subject and direction Luca Bellé scenography and stage movements Giada Fossà a Chorós theater production realized with the contribution of Fondazione Cariplo and the patronage of the Municipality of Broni In collaboration with […]


DULCIS IN FUNDO Via Gianfranco Zuretti, 55, Milano, Italia

Freely adapted from "Stone Butch Blues" by Leslie Feinberg written by Carmen Pellegrinelli with Laura Mola lighting by Simone Moretti directed by Carmen Pellegrinelli a P&P Theatre Academic Productions production in collaboration with Alfi LesbichexxBergamo thanks to ORLANDO Festival and Cultural Association Imagine Orlando APS A journey of discovery of a gender other, creative and […]

Italian-style funeral

mare culturale urbano via Quinto Cenni 11, Milano, Italia

text by Benedetta Parisi and Alice Sinigaglia with Benedetta Parisi voice off Michele Coiro sound Fabio Clemente lights Daniele Passeri costumes thanks to Sandra Cardini photo Andrea Macchia directed by Alice Sinigaglia production SCARTI Centro di Produzione d'Innovazione and TPE Teatro Piemonte Europa "We will be dead for much longer than we have been alive […]

Better a bidet today than a penthouse in France tomorrow

UN LOCALE PALCO CUCINA Piazza Napoli 30/2, Milano, Italia

Conceived, written and performed by Altea Bonatesta A stand-up comedy show that traces, with anecdotes and jokes, some particularly scarring life episodes: the pope and first menstruations, hormonal susceptibility and grandmother's funeral, the relationship with the mother and the home burglar alarm. A phenomenal, powerful, arcane, lysergic, probo, eristic - and many other adjectives you […]