SHOWS Venue × A.N.P.I. di Crescenzago ARTEMADIA Alibi Anfiteatro della Martesana Anfiteatro di via Imbonati BIG – Borgo Intergenerazionale Greco Biblioteca Baggio Biblioteca Calvairate Birrificio la Ribalta Bottega d’Arte di Samira Zuabi CASCINA CUCCAGNA CSE Casa Famiglia Gerico Cascina case nuove Cascinet Cenni di Cambiamento Cinema Mexico Condominio ALER via BELINZAGHI DULCIS IN FUNDO Don’t Tell Mama Dopotutto ENOTECA SCINTILLA ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTER Edolo Cafè FONDAZIONE AEM Fondazione Feltrinelli Fruit & Salad GHEPENSI MI Gogol & Company HOTEL RAMADA PLAZA IMPRONTA BIRRAIA Il Tempietto Studio L’ultimo Metrò LARG_O BAR Libreria Brioschi Ligera MENEGHINO Madama Hostel Mar-tout Mercato Comunale Andrea Fusina Mercato di via Osoppo Mercato via Paravia Mosso Murales di Ortica NOI LIBRERIA Nuovo Armenia Ostello Bello PARCO TROTTER Padova 36 Parco ex-Armenia Films Piazza Dergano Polignum RADICI – BOTTEGA DI QUARTIERE RSA San Francesco d’Assisi Rob de Matt SALUMERIA DEL DESIGN SPAZIO POLLINE SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLI San Faustino 5 Scamamù Scuola di Musica Cluster Spazio Pontano 35 Spirit de Milan Stazione Radio Studio Marta Mez TEATRINO NEL PARCO TROTTER TRANVAI Terrazza Marcos Testami UN LOCALE PALCO CUCINA Via Beroldo Villaggio Barona mare culturale urbano ÄžENÉ Category × extra stand up Free event music special event varieties theater song laboratory kids dance performance itinerant reading books school families for a fee prose participatory performance poetry exhibition suitable for blind people comedian talk official program narrative english musical cinema clowning District ×San SiroGiambellino LorenteggioNoLoBaronaMartesanaOrticaParco LambroDerganoBaggioCalvairate RomanaFondazione AEMVillapizzoneCistà Date Range × Search Reset 31 May Solidarity ParadeSolidarity ParadeDate 31 May 2024Time 17:30 - 18:30Venue Cenni di CambiamentoDistrict San SiroCategory extraTag paradeMore Info 31 May AAA seeking supportAAA seeking supportDate 31 May 2024Time 19:00 - 20:30Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra stand upMore Info 31 May Opening party - Fantastic + Mr. CollageOpening party - Fantastic + Mr. CollageDate 31 May 2024Time 19:30 - 23:30Venue Nuovo ArmeniaCategory Free event music special event varietiesMore Info 31 May Gaber to GaberGaber to GaberDate 31 May 2024Time 19:30 - 20:30Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event theater songMore Info 31 May DRAMADRAMADate 31 May 2024Time 21:30 - 23:30Venue UN LOCALE PALCO CUCINADistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event stand upMore Info 01 June Farmers' Market in MusicFarmers' Market in MusicDate 1 June 2024Time 10:30 - 12:30Venue Cenni di CambiamentoDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June ANUKALANA yoga to be waterANUKALANA yoga to be waterDate 1 June 2024Time 10:30 - 11:30Venue PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra laboratoryMore Info 01 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 1 June 2024Time 15:00 - 19:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 01 June TiesTiesDate 1 June 2024Time 15:30 - 15:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory dance extra performanceMore Info 01 June Dream ParadeDream ParadeDate 1 June 2024Time 15:45 - 16:45Venue A.N.P.I. di CrescenzagoDistrict MartesanaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Sing and RejoiceSing and RejoiceDate 1 June 2024Time 16:00 - 16:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June The difficult lovesThe difficult lovesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue RSA San Francesco d’AssisiDistrict MartesanaCategory extra performance readingMore Info 01 June Giallo in the bluesGiallo in the bluesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory books extraMore Info 01 June 20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soul20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soulDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 19:00Venue Murales di OrticaDistrict OrticaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Theater with a hatTheater with a hatDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 18:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 01 June What do young musicians write?What do young musicians write?Date 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue Scuola di Musica ClusterDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicTag music clusterMore Info 01 June GIALLOGIALLODate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:00Venue TEATRINO NEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June The champion and the mosquitoThe champion and the mosquitoDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra families for a fee itinerantMore Info 01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
31 May Solidarity ParadeSolidarity ParadeDate 31 May 2024Time 17:30 - 18:30Venue Cenni di CambiamentoDistrict San SiroCategory extraTag paradeMore Info 31 May AAA seeking supportAAA seeking supportDate 31 May 2024Time 19:00 - 20:30Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra stand upMore Info 31 May Opening party - Fantastic + Mr. CollageOpening party - Fantastic + Mr. CollageDate 31 May 2024Time 19:30 - 23:30Venue Nuovo ArmeniaCategory Free event music special event varietiesMore Info 31 May Gaber to GaberGaber to GaberDate 31 May 2024Time 19:30 - 20:30Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event theater songMore Info 31 May DRAMADRAMADate 31 May 2024Time 21:30 - 23:30Venue UN LOCALE PALCO CUCINADistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event stand upMore Info 01 June Farmers' Market in MusicFarmers' Market in MusicDate 1 June 2024Time 10:30 - 12:30Venue Cenni di CambiamentoDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June ANUKALANA yoga to be waterANUKALANA yoga to be waterDate 1 June 2024Time 10:30 - 11:30Venue PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra laboratoryMore Info 01 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 1 June 2024Time 15:00 - 19:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 01 June TiesTiesDate 1 June 2024Time 15:30 - 15:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory dance extra performanceMore Info 01 June Dream ParadeDream ParadeDate 1 June 2024Time 15:45 - 16:45Venue A.N.P.I. di CrescenzagoDistrict MartesanaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Sing and RejoiceSing and RejoiceDate 1 June 2024Time 16:00 - 16:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June The difficult lovesThe difficult lovesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue RSA San Francesco d’AssisiDistrict MartesanaCategory extra performance readingMore Info 01 June Giallo in the bluesGiallo in the bluesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory books extraMore Info 01 June 20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soul20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soulDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 19:00Venue Murales di OrticaDistrict OrticaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Theater with a hatTheater with a hatDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 18:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 01 June What do young musicians write?What do young musicians write?Date 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue Scuola di Musica ClusterDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicTag music clusterMore Info 01 June GIALLOGIALLODate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:00Venue TEATRINO NEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June The champion and the mosquitoThe champion and the mosquitoDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra families for a fee itinerantMore Info 01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
31 May AAA seeking supportAAA seeking supportDate 31 May 2024Time 19:00 - 20:30Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra stand upMore Info 31 May Opening party - Fantastic + Mr. CollageOpening party - Fantastic + Mr. CollageDate 31 May 2024Time 19:30 - 23:30Venue Nuovo ArmeniaCategory Free event music special event varietiesMore Info 31 May Gaber to GaberGaber to GaberDate 31 May 2024Time 19:30 - 20:30Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event theater songMore Info 31 May DRAMADRAMADate 31 May 2024Time 21:30 - 23:30Venue UN LOCALE PALCO CUCINADistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event stand upMore Info 01 June Farmers' Market in MusicFarmers' Market in MusicDate 1 June 2024Time 10:30 - 12:30Venue Cenni di CambiamentoDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June ANUKALANA yoga to be waterANUKALANA yoga to be waterDate 1 June 2024Time 10:30 - 11:30Venue PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra laboratoryMore Info 01 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 1 June 2024Time 15:00 - 19:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 01 June TiesTiesDate 1 June 2024Time 15:30 - 15:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory dance extra performanceMore Info 01 June Dream ParadeDream ParadeDate 1 June 2024Time 15:45 - 16:45Venue A.N.P.I. di CrescenzagoDistrict MartesanaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Sing and RejoiceSing and RejoiceDate 1 June 2024Time 16:00 - 16:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June The difficult lovesThe difficult lovesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue RSA San Francesco d’AssisiDistrict MartesanaCategory extra performance readingMore Info 01 June Giallo in the bluesGiallo in the bluesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory books extraMore Info 01 June 20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soul20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soulDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 19:00Venue Murales di OrticaDistrict OrticaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Theater with a hatTheater with a hatDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 18:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 01 June What do young musicians write?What do young musicians write?Date 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue Scuola di Musica ClusterDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicTag music clusterMore Info 01 June GIALLOGIALLODate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:00Venue TEATRINO NEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June The champion and the mosquitoThe champion and the mosquitoDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra families for a fee itinerantMore Info 01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
31 May Opening party - Fantastic + Mr. CollageOpening party - Fantastic + Mr. CollageDate 31 May 2024Time 19:30 - 23:30Venue Nuovo ArmeniaCategory Free event music special event varietiesMore Info 31 May Gaber to GaberGaber to GaberDate 31 May 2024Time 19:30 - 20:30Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event theater songMore Info 31 May DRAMADRAMADate 31 May 2024Time 21:30 - 23:30Venue UN LOCALE PALCO CUCINADistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event stand upMore Info 01 June Farmers' Market in MusicFarmers' Market in MusicDate 1 June 2024Time 10:30 - 12:30Venue Cenni di CambiamentoDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June ANUKALANA yoga to be waterANUKALANA yoga to be waterDate 1 June 2024Time 10:30 - 11:30Venue PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra laboratoryMore Info 01 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 1 June 2024Time 15:00 - 19:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 01 June TiesTiesDate 1 June 2024Time 15:30 - 15:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory dance extra performanceMore Info 01 June Dream ParadeDream ParadeDate 1 June 2024Time 15:45 - 16:45Venue A.N.P.I. di CrescenzagoDistrict MartesanaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Sing and RejoiceSing and RejoiceDate 1 June 2024Time 16:00 - 16:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June The difficult lovesThe difficult lovesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue RSA San Francesco d’AssisiDistrict MartesanaCategory extra performance readingMore Info 01 June Giallo in the bluesGiallo in the bluesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory books extraMore Info 01 June 20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soul20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soulDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 19:00Venue Murales di OrticaDistrict OrticaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Theater with a hatTheater with a hatDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 18:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 01 June What do young musicians write?What do young musicians write?Date 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue Scuola di Musica ClusterDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicTag music clusterMore Info 01 June GIALLOGIALLODate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:00Venue TEATRINO NEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June The champion and the mosquitoThe champion and the mosquitoDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra families for a fee itinerantMore Info 01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
31 May Gaber to GaberGaber to GaberDate 31 May 2024Time 19:30 - 20:30Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event theater songMore Info 31 May DRAMADRAMADate 31 May 2024Time 21:30 - 23:30Venue UN LOCALE PALCO CUCINADistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event stand upMore Info 01 June Farmers' Market in MusicFarmers' Market in MusicDate 1 June 2024Time 10:30 - 12:30Venue Cenni di CambiamentoDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June ANUKALANA yoga to be waterANUKALANA yoga to be waterDate 1 June 2024Time 10:30 - 11:30Venue PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra laboratoryMore Info 01 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 1 June 2024Time 15:00 - 19:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 01 June TiesTiesDate 1 June 2024Time 15:30 - 15:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory dance extra performanceMore Info 01 June Dream ParadeDream ParadeDate 1 June 2024Time 15:45 - 16:45Venue A.N.P.I. di CrescenzagoDistrict MartesanaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Sing and RejoiceSing and RejoiceDate 1 June 2024Time 16:00 - 16:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June The difficult lovesThe difficult lovesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue RSA San Francesco d’AssisiDistrict MartesanaCategory extra performance readingMore Info 01 June Giallo in the bluesGiallo in the bluesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory books extraMore Info 01 June 20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soul20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soulDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 19:00Venue Murales di OrticaDistrict OrticaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Theater with a hatTheater with a hatDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 18:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 01 June What do young musicians write?What do young musicians write?Date 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue Scuola di Musica ClusterDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicTag music clusterMore Info 01 June GIALLOGIALLODate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:00Venue TEATRINO NEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June The champion and the mosquitoThe champion and the mosquitoDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra families for a fee itinerantMore Info 01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
31 May DRAMADRAMADate 31 May 2024Time 21:30 - 23:30Venue UN LOCALE PALCO CUCINADistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event stand upMore Info 01 June Farmers' Market in MusicFarmers' Market in MusicDate 1 June 2024Time 10:30 - 12:30Venue Cenni di CambiamentoDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June ANUKALANA yoga to be waterANUKALANA yoga to be waterDate 1 June 2024Time 10:30 - 11:30Venue PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra laboratoryMore Info 01 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 1 June 2024Time 15:00 - 19:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 01 June TiesTiesDate 1 June 2024Time 15:30 - 15:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory dance extra performanceMore Info 01 June Dream ParadeDream ParadeDate 1 June 2024Time 15:45 - 16:45Venue A.N.P.I. di CrescenzagoDistrict MartesanaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Sing and RejoiceSing and RejoiceDate 1 June 2024Time 16:00 - 16:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June The difficult lovesThe difficult lovesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue RSA San Francesco d’AssisiDistrict MartesanaCategory extra performance readingMore Info 01 June Giallo in the bluesGiallo in the bluesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory books extraMore Info 01 June 20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soul20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soulDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 19:00Venue Murales di OrticaDistrict OrticaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Theater with a hatTheater with a hatDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 18:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 01 June What do young musicians write?What do young musicians write?Date 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue Scuola di Musica ClusterDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicTag music clusterMore Info 01 June GIALLOGIALLODate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:00Venue TEATRINO NEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June The champion and the mosquitoThe champion and the mosquitoDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra families for a fee itinerantMore Info 01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June Farmers' Market in MusicFarmers' Market in MusicDate 1 June 2024Time 10:30 - 12:30Venue Cenni di CambiamentoDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June ANUKALANA yoga to be waterANUKALANA yoga to be waterDate 1 June 2024Time 10:30 - 11:30Venue PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra laboratoryMore Info 01 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 1 June 2024Time 15:00 - 19:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 01 June TiesTiesDate 1 June 2024Time 15:30 - 15:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory dance extra performanceMore Info 01 June Dream ParadeDream ParadeDate 1 June 2024Time 15:45 - 16:45Venue A.N.P.I. di CrescenzagoDistrict MartesanaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Sing and RejoiceSing and RejoiceDate 1 June 2024Time 16:00 - 16:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June The difficult lovesThe difficult lovesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue RSA San Francesco d’AssisiDistrict MartesanaCategory extra performance readingMore Info 01 June Giallo in the bluesGiallo in the bluesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory books extraMore Info 01 June 20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soul20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soulDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 19:00Venue Murales di OrticaDistrict OrticaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Theater with a hatTheater with a hatDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 18:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 01 June What do young musicians write?What do young musicians write?Date 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue Scuola di Musica ClusterDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicTag music clusterMore Info 01 June GIALLOGIALLODate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:00Venue TEATRINO NEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June The champion and the mosquitoThe champion and the mosquitoDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra families for a fee itinerantMore Info 01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June ANUKALANA yoga to be waterANUKALANA yoga to be waterDate 1 June 2024Time 10:30 - 11:30Venue PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra laboratoryMore Info 01 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 1 June 2024Time 15:00 - 19:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 01 June TiesTiesDate 1 June 2024Time 15:30 - 15:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory dance extra performanceMore Info 01 June Dream ParadeDream ParadeDate 1 June 2024Time 15:45 - 16:45Venue A.N.P.I. di CrescenzagoDistrict MartesanaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Sing and RejoiceSing and RejoiceDate 1 June 2024Time 16:00 - 16:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June The difficult lovesThe difficult lovesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue RSA San Francesco d’AssisiDistrict MartesanaCategory extra performance readingMore Info 01 June Giallo in the bluesGiallo in the bluesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory books extraMore Info 01 June 20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soul20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soulDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 19:00Venue Murales di OrticaDistrict OrticaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Theater with a hatTheater with a hatDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 18:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 01 June What do young musicians write?What do young musicians write?Date 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue Scuola di Musica ClusterDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicTag music clusterMore Info 01 June GIALLOGIALLODate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:00Venue TEATRINO NEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June The champion and the mosquitoThe champion and the mosquitoDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra families for a fee itinerantMore Info 01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 1 June 2024Time 15:00 - 19:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 01 June TiesTiesDate 1 June 2024Time 15:30 - 15:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory dance extra performanceMore Info 01 June Dream ParadeDream ParadeDate 1 June 2024Time 15:45 - 16:45Venue A.N.P.I. di CrescenzagoDistrict MartesanaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Sing and RejoiceSing and RejoiceDate 1 June 2024Time 16:00 - 16:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June The difficult lovesThe difficult lovesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue RSA San Francesco d’AssisiDistrict MartesanaCategory extra performance readingMore Info 01 June Giallo in the bluesGiallo in the bluesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory books extraMore Info 01 June 20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soul20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soulDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 19:00Venue Murales di OrticaDistrict OrticaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Theater with a hatTheater with a hatDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 18:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 01 June What do young musicians write?What do young musicians write?Date 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue Scuola di Musica ClusterDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicTag music clusterMore Info 01 June GIALLOGIALLODate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:00Venue TEATRINO NEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June The champion and the mosquitoThe champion and the mosquitoDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra families for a fee itinerantMore Info 01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June TiesTiesDate 1 June 2024Time 15:30 - 15:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory dance extra performanceMore Info 01 June Dream ParadeDream ParadeDate 1 June 2024Time 15:45 - 16:45Venue A.N.P.I. di CrescenzagoDistrict MartesanaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Sing and RejoiceSing and RejoiceDate 1 June 2024Time 16:00 - 16:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June The difficult lovesThe difficult lovesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue RSA San Francesco d’AssisiDistrict MartesanaCategory extra performance readingMore Info 01 June Giallo in the bluesGiallo in the bluesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory books extraMore Info 01 June 20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soul20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soulDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 19:00Venue Murales di OrticaDistrict OrticaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Theater with a hatTheater with a hatDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 18:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 01 June What do young musicians write?What do young musicians write?Date 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue Scuola di Musica ClusterDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicTag music clusterMore Info 01 June GIALLOGIALLODate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:00Venue TEATRINO NEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June The champion and the mosquitoThe champion and the mosquitoDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra families for a fee itinerantMore Info 01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June Dream ParadeDream ParadeDate 1 June 2024Time 15:45 - 16:45Venue A.N.P.I. di CrescenzagoDistrict MartesanaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Sing and RejoiceSing and RejoiceDate 1 June 2024Time 16:00 - 16:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June The difficult lovesThe difficult lovesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue RSA San Francesco d’AssisiDistrict MartesanaCategory extra performance readingMore Info 01 June Giallo in the bluesGiallo in the bluesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory books extraMore Info 01 June 20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soul20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soulDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 19:00Venue Murales di OrticaDistrict OrticaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Theater with a hatTheater with a hatDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 18:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 01 June What do young musicians write?What do young musicians write?Date 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue Scuola di Musica ClusterDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicTag music clusterMore Info 01 June GIALLOGIALLODate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:00Venue TEATRINO NEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June The champion and the mosquitoThe champion and the mosquitoDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra families for a fee itinerantMore Info 01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June Sing and RejoiceSing and RejoiceDate 1 June 2024Time 16:00 - 16:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June The difficult lovesThe difficult lovesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue RSA San Francesco d’AssisiDistrict MartesanaCategory extra performance readingMore Info 01 June Giallo in the bluesGiallo in the bluesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory books extraMore Info 01 June 20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soul20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soulDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 19:00Venue Murales di OrticaDistrict OrticaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Theater with a hatTheater with a hatDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 18:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 01 June What do young musicians write?What do young musicians write?Date 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue Scuola di Musica ClusterDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicTag music clusterMore Info 01 June GIALLOGIALLODate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:00Venue TEATRINO NEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June The champion and the mosquitoThe champion and the mosquitoDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra families for a fee itinerantMore Info 01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June The difficult lovesThe difficult lovesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue RSA San Francesco d’AssisiDistrict MartesanaCategory extra performance readingMore Info 01 June Giallo in the bluesGiallo in the bluesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory books extraMore Info 01 June 20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soul20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soulDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 19:00Venue Murales di OrticaDistrict OrticaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Theater with a hatTheater with a hatDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 18:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 01 June What do young musicians write?What do young musicians write?Date 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue Scuola di Musica ClusterDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicTag music clusterMore Info 01 June GIALLOGIALLODate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:00Venue TEATRINO NEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June The champion and the mosquitoThe champion and the mosquitoDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra families for a fee itinerantMore Info 01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June Giallo in the bluesGiallo in the bluesDate 1 June 2024Time 16:45 - 17:45Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory books extraMore Info 01 June 20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soul20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soulDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 19:00Venue Murales di OrticaDistrict OrticaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Theater with a hatTheater with a hatDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 18:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 01 June What do young musicians write?What do young musicians write?Date 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue Scuola di Musica ClusterDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicTag music clusterMore Info 01 June GIALLOGIALLODate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:00Venue TEATRINO NEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June The champion and the mosquitoThe champion and the mosquitoDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra families for a fee itinerantMore Info 01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June 20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soul20134 that if you look at me from afar you see my face, that if you look closely you see my soulDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 19:00Venue Murales di OrticaDistrict OrticaCategory extra itinerantMore Info 01 June Theater with a hatTheater with a hatDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 18:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 01 June What do young musicians write?What do young musicians write?Date 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue Scuola di Musica ClusterDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicTag music clusterMore Info 01 June GIALLOGIALLODate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:00Venue TEATRINO NEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June The champion and the mosquitoThe champion and the mosquitoDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra families for a fee itinerantMore Info 01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June Theater with a hatTheater with a hatDate 1 June 2024Time 17:30 - 18:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 01 June What do young musicians write?What do young musicians write?Date 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue Scuola di Musica ClusterDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicTag music clusterMore Info 01 June GIALLOGIALLODate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:00Venue TEATRINO NEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June The champion and the mosquitoThe champion and the mosquitoDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra families for a fee itinerantMore Info 01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June What do young musicians write?What do young musicians write?Date 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue Scuola di Musica ClusterDistrict San SiroCategory extra musicTag music clusterMore Info 01 June GIALLOGIALLODate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:00Venue TEATRINO NEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June The champion and the mosquitoThe champion and the mosquitoDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra families for a fee itinerantMore Info 01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June GIALLOGIALLODate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:00Venue TEATRINO NEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June The champion and the mosquitoThe champion and the mosquitoDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra families for a fee itinerantMore Info 01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June The champion and the mosquitoThe champion and the mosquitoDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:30Venue ESEDRA DEL PARCO TROTTERDistrict NoLoCategory extra families for a fee itinerantMore Info 01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June Alebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreAlebrijes, creatures of Mexican folkloreDate 1 June 2024Time 18:00 - 19:15Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory books extraMore Info 01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June Raphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsRaphael Kohler and the Slide PistonsDate 1 June 2024Time 18:30 - 19:30Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra musicMore Info 01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June Your Alebrijes - handicraft workshopYour Alebrijes - handicraft workshopDate 1 June 2024Time 19:00 - 20:00Venue Bottega d’Arte di Samira ZuabiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory for a fee laboratoryMore Info 01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June CIRCECIRCEDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 20:15Venue Via BeroldoDistrict NoLoCategory extra performance schoolMore Info 01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June BoredomBoredomDate 1 June 2024Time 19:30 - 22:00Venue TestamiDistrict Giambellino LorenteggioCategory extra Free event proseMore Info 01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June Sleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepSleep. Ironic docu-show on the mysteries of sleep + Meditation on deep sleepDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:00Venue San Faustino 5District OrticaCategory extra for a fee proseMore Info 01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
01 June Guerrin meschinoGuerrin meschinoDate 1 June 2024Time 21:00 - 22:30Venue ARTEMADIADistrict NoLoCategory extra for a fee music participatory proseMore Info 02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
02 June Festival of AssociationsFestival of AssociationsDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 23:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extraMore Info 02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
02 June Poetry in the SquarePoetry in the SquareDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra performance poetryMore Info 02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
02 June The Big GamesThe Big GamesDate 2 June 2024Time 10:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
02 June Suspicious Little Riding HoodSuspicious Little Riding HoodDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue SPAZIO WEMI RIZZOLIDistrict Parco LambroCategory extra kidsMore Info 02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore InfoLoad More
02 June Lunar treasure huntLunar treasure huntDate 2 June 2024Time 11:00 - 12:00Venue Villaggio BaronaDistrict BaronaCategory extra kidsMore Info