The Poetry Menu – Edolo Cafe

by Cultural Association THE POETRY MENU

The Poetry Menu returns to FringeMi in bars and bistros for poetry forays and tastings. Real Menus composed of poems as if they were food, food for the soul “served,” meaning acted out on demand, by professional actresses and actors as exceptional maîtres. The artists surprise the audience by offering a cultural and artistic experience, but one that also becomes human, in a special fusion of theater, poetry and conviviality.
THE POETRY MENU is a ‘Cultural Association that promotes and disseminates culture through theater and poetry in interactive modes and unconventional contexts, to nourish soul and intellect and disprove those who still claim “with culture you can’t eat.” For more than 10 years the format has touched bars and restaurants, as well as places of social fragility (Hospitals, refectories) and cultural settings (festivals, theaters, literary foundations). Major collaborations include Teatro Stabile di Torino, Fondazione Corriere della Sera and Bookcity Milano, Teatro Elfo Puccini, Circolo dei Lettori di Torino, Reggia di Venaria, Festival Play with Food, Publishing houses such as Sellerio and Mondadori.

Free admission, for reservations call 3518083292

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